Monthly playlists of the best new indie and electro music

Latest Episode:


Because there can be a fine line between pop, and indie pop, and we stomp that line

Playlist has moved to Spotify! Access our Spotify by clicking here; with highlight tracks showcased on our YouTube Channel, here.

Monthly playlists of the best new music in the Indie and Electro scenes, hand picked, with no commercial influence.

Catch The Indie Electro Breakdown’s radio show by searching “indie electro breakdown” on your podcast app, or listen in live – Thursday’s from 5pm AEDT on Edge Radio – 99.3FM in Hobart, Australia; or streaming at

  1. Frankie G says:

    That’s awesome Ben, thx for sharing all these goodies !!!

  2. Salem Morelli says:

    I’ve been looking for a cool podcast to listen to. Guess I came to the right place.

  3. joe says:

    Hey Ben. I recently found your podcast and am enjoying it. I’ve spent the last couple years really getting into the scene and have come across some solid stuff. Every day new stuff pours in and I was wondering if you would accept any submissions I have of stuff that may go well with ur format. Let me know. I’d love to share. You’ve got some really diverse sounding music and I look forward to future postings.

  4. mybluemoon89 says:

    Found your mixes through 8tracks, had listened to shreditII over and over and was delighted to find I could keep it at work without streaming! Now I look forward to each one! Keep it up, please!

    praise from Anchorage Alaska :D

  5. Majo says:

    Morning, how can I listen the playlist in London?

    Many thanks.


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